
Recordia flordia purple
Recordia flordia purple

Make sure to leave 6 - 8 " between your mushrooms and other corals. Acroporas will not grow in aquariums with large mushroom populations. They will cause other corals to loose tissue, recess and/or possibly die. They do not have a potent sting, but direct contact with another coral will still cause damage. The Ricordea is semi-aggressive if they are near or touching another coral. They also eat plankton and smaller invertebrates, such as crustaceans and brine or mysis shrimp.

recordia flordia purple

Ricordea like all mushroom corals, are photosynthetic and a majority of their nutritional requirements are obtained from the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within each coral. They can also have multiple mouths (less common in R. Ricordea comes in several color combinations such as orange, green, yellow, blue, and purple with some having blue, purple, or orange rings surrounding a contrasting middle color. Ricordea mushrooms are usually bright or even fluorescent in intensities. Ricordea yuma, unlike Ricordea florida has short tentacles on the oral cone and are typically larger than Ricordea florida. There are two species assigned to the genus Ricordea: Ricordea yuma from Pacific and Indian ocean and Ricordea florida from Carribean. They can fetch a hefty price if the color is intense. The Ricordea genus are some of the most sought after mushrooms due to their brilliance and the variety of colors available. The Ricordea is a more colorful member of the mushroom clan, and has colors that will always attract attention.

recordia flordia purple

Pete started a thread on zoas earlier on, I thought I'll start a similar thread on Ricordea, my favourite coral.

Recordia flordia purple